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Market bubbles, crashes, panics and crises – what do we learn from them?
The strong urge to make a quick buck always counters sage warnings. It is different this time – but is it? Market bubbles are built upon...
Just don't get caught
Investment frauds, scams and abuse – various examples of naughtiness It has been stated that Britons were scammed out of £200m last year....
Alternative Markets
The growth of the alternative UK stock markets – Rule 163, the USM, the OTC, OFEX, 535, JP Jenkins, PLUS and NEX. From Jonathan’s Coffee...
Diamonds – Cut, Clarity, Colour and Carat, or are they really just about Love?
Billions of years ago, diamonds were formed at depths of between 90 to 120 miles beneath the Earth’s surface, by way of the explosive...
Lithium - a totally electric demand
Will we be achieving net zero carbon by 2050? Who knows, but without doubt the move is on and gathering pace. Undoubtedly by now we all...
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